
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Be Careful Mr President the more things change the more they stay the same

Be Careful Mr President the more things change the more they stay the same.Closing Guantanamo, pulling out of Iraq You are the President--the buck stop with you. Be aware of some of those around you; they want things the same way they were and that's the way you will be advised--you have to be yourself, listen but reject advise that are contrary to your belief.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Present day Republican Party/ Tea Party are a threat to freedom

It saddens me to say what I am about to Blog--I have search my sole, I have tried to analyse social issues from the Republican/Tea Partiers point of view--I have tried to take out all biases and raw emotions as I look at what they are espousing to America. After all that, I have reached the conclusion that the present day Republican Party and the Tea Party is a threat to freedom as we know it; they are full of hate, anti Obama administration and will say no to anything and everything that comes from the Obama White house. It seems that the Republican/Tea Partiers are not comfortable with progress--progress means that non-whites are reaching equal status with whites and that is unsettling because they viewed non-whites as inferior and regardless of talent, should not be given equal status. Remember Rodney King "Why can't we all get along?" Thanks to the 1st amendment, we can see these people for who they are.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Karen Young a Valued Advisor on Foreign and Domenstic Issues

The Obama administration should look to Karen Young, San Francisco, California for advise on Domestic and Foreign Policy. Her depth and breath of knowledge in these areas--surprising as it may seem;knows more about foreign and domestic policy than the Secretary of State--no disrespect to the Secretary of State whom I admire and respect. Even some top Brass in our military and some of your top ad visors--in my opinion--do not have her wealth of knowledge; yet, this is an ordinary citizen who have never been elected to or held public office. Unfortunately people like her do not seek political office. Just thought I should let you know that there are some very, very intelligent folks out there whose knowledge you can tap for the benefit of your administration---you don't have to rely solely on elected official, private citizens have brains too and in many cases can solve some of the most nagging problems facing your administration. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

$300 Billion US, spent to stop the Taliban

$300 Billion US, spent to stop the Taliban and guess what? The Taliban is stronger than ever--In Pakistan the military is training the Taliban to fight the Americans. It doesn't matter who the General is that is in charge in Afghanistan, there will be no American victory--the Russians learned that the hard way. Why are we making the same mistake? Any reasonable person would start to question the competence of our Military brass, the Congress and the White House. I think, they have been so conditioned over the decades that they can no longer think outside the box--this is the way we did it, all the Text Books and training manuals are written in the old warfare methodology--so these old generals do not know how to think new.

Friday, July 23, 2010


How sweet it is--Overpaid managements--private and public officials, outrageous foreign aid to corrupt leaders who promise us much and deliver nothing, blotted military budget to support our forces in foreign countries. Speak-out against these guys and you risk your career or your life--Well, I will speak out against them.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

vibert greene on point: Miss Sherrod, I recommend that you sue FOX News Gl...

vibert greene on point: Miss Sherrod, I recommend that you sue FOX News Gl...: "Miss Sherrod, I recommend that you sue FOX News Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity,O'Reilly for slander, character assassination among other. Any good..."

Miss Sherrod, I recommend that you sue FOX News Glenn Beck, Hannity,...

Miss Sherrod, I recommend that you sue FOX News Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity,O'Reilly for slander, character assassination among other. Any good lawyer would take the case; that's the only action that would reign these idiots--they are more dangerous to the unity of Americans than the KKK.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I have lived under all of those scenarios and My life, my financial situation did not change for the better under any  of those situation.--and yet, these ideals are the goals of Politicians.  Are these just buzz words to get politicians re-elected?

A BALANCED BUDGET, SMALL GOVERNMENT, REDUCE SPENDING, what does it all mean to the average Joe Blow?
OK, Small Government--Yea right! who pays for public services including public safety. Reduce Spending--who picks up the garbage, fill the pot-holes, pave the feeways and public streets. on public road way,security reduced for lack of funding.
Balanced budget--people's unemployed, public services cut, the homelessness--they are on their own.                                                                        

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Small Seepage is Normal

Let BP use the two relief well now being drilled for production--it will reduce the back pressure, seepage will stop and BP will be making money. Capping the well permanently without producing the well will unnecessarily build up the pressure, open up the fissures and release more oil into the Gulf.

Prepare the well for production, please; it's the right thing to do.


Administration after administration go to Washington and continue the age old  outdated democracy--foreign aid and more foreign aid. Every nation on the globe have their hand out for aid; the aids going into the pockets of corrupt government officials and their military, and still Washington keep sending and sending; all in the outdated notion that these aids will create goodwill and keep us and the rest of the world safe by helping to fight terrorism, stabilize governments and prevent wars--BS. Stop handing out these aids--it's not working. We have Americans who are jobless and starving; our deficit is at an all time high.

The intelligence community and military brass will tell you that we need boots on the ground in all corners of the Globe and anyone who disagree is considered naive--really?

It's time to change--what if we drastically reduce and or cut of these aids. What if we bring our troops home--I say do both.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Since BP may not give me any credit--I'll give myself credit. I said the "S1" and the S1 modified will work--Right again. I said once the S1 OR S1 modified are in place, the leak will be stopped within 2 days--right again.
Now, what I will suggest to BP is to use the relief wells for production vs using them to "Kill the Well"; to do so will be a total lack of vision and commonsense. Now, once the relief wells are in production , or before--BP should go back and use a second S1 cap to permanently seal off the well at the original leak with concrete.

This solution will give BP a well that is fully functional once again. This will restore the economy of the affect areas by putting people back to work.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

BP Used NTI "S1"--with slight Modification--But it's Still the "S1"

Yes--BP used the S1 slightly modified, none-the-less, it's still the NTI "S1" design. It will work; now let's see if they gave credit where credit is due. Next comes the compensation to NTI for the "S1" use.
I hope they pay-up without a public relation battle and compensation litigation. A bill for compensation will be sent to BP upon verification that the "Modified S1" worked. A portion of the compensation money will be donated to the victims of the oil spill

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tax Cuts is good for the Economy--we can have our cake and eat it too.

Tax Cuts is good for the Economy--we can have our cake and eat it too. Say what? Tax cuts is good for the economy. Yes, when you cut taxes for corporations, businesses and the working class, a couple of things happen--corporations and businesses can hire more employees, there is more spending power for the general public--more products are manufactured and the economy grows--A NO BRAINER.

However, less revenues go to the states and the federal government; therefore services have to be cut because of the reduced revenues--REALLY! I SAY HOGWASH--the federal government can still maintain the same level of public services and even increase many of them. All the feds have to do is reduce the amount of foreign aids to foreign countries that ended up in the pockets of corrupt government officials or are used to buy and manufacture weapons to kill people in defense or aggression. Bring our troops home from all corners of the globe and put them on our borders--we don't have to put boots on the ground on foreign land to protect us or our allies--we have the technology and weaponry range capabilities to reach anywhere in the world without a single combat boot on the ground. Why the boneheads in Washington and the military brass don't get it--well because they lack vision and commonsense; in addition to being bone heads--A Democrat point of view--the Republicans don't have a monopoly here.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The fox and the bunch of grapes--Remember that story? --No!  OK, I will remind you.
Here it is. There was this fox on a morning stroll when he came upon a luscious bunch of grapes--with his tongue hanging out licking his chops, he tried to get that luscious bunch of grapes--tried as he might, he could not reach those grapes. So, in defeat and with great humiliation, he took one last longing look-- then, with his head hung low- he muttered --They are sour anyway and --Hampered away.

Well, that's the story of the Obama's administration and the far, far right--the Limbaughs, the Becks, Hannity, the Palins and the wackes.  Tried as they may, the Obama administration still hangs in there--and in their defeat in trying to destroy him--they hang their heads in disgrace and proclaim--"he is not an American anyway, he is a socialist-- out to destroy America." I feel sorry for these bigots--but regardless of their rants and raves, their narrow mindedness and marginal intelligence-- history will write --"Barack Obama--Man of the year, man of the century and the Greatest American President ever live". Now, go weep in your beer you bigots. God bless America--and to hell with the bigots--you do not define America--you are in the minority of minority--a dying breed--you are an anomaly--an outlier.