
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

John McCain is Responsible for all this Upheaval and God Forbid the Death of Obama Supporters

All the anti Obama, anti-Government movement going on right now can be blame squarely on John McCain--Why? I will tell you why, John McCain, during the Presidential campaign realized that he could not defeat Barack Obama--so he made a calculated decision--he decided-- in order to counter Obama, that he needed a pretty, young and aggressive woman as his running mate; someone who will appeal to the young and don't forget the women base. Sarah Palin was his ticket--The problem was, she was not vetted and so her philosophy and ideology went unnoticed. When McClain loss, Gov. Palin came into her own--unleashing all the venom of the far right. Without that unfortunate choice of John McCain --Sarah Palin would have been a silent voice and the good old US of A would have been spared the wrath of this hate monger, this racist--empty brain idiot. No apology for this statement, it's my opinion.

Lessons learned--be careful who you chose as your running mate.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Vibert Greene for Governor of California in 2010

Vibert Greene: Well my friends, it's now a done deal--I am on the ballot for Governor of California in 2010. We don't need a lot of money to win this--we will win on message. Donate what you can afford--$5, $10-- SEND DONATION CHECKS TO: Vibert Greene for Governor, The Golden1--credit Union, 500 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, CA 94102: or go to my website and use your credit card. Thanks

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


3/23/2010, I PREDICT--



Friday, March 19, 2010

The Current Republican Party Leadership is Destroying a Great Party

The Republican Party Leadership in the Senate as is today is reminiscence of the NP. Decent Republicans must rebel against these old Nit wit Jackasses in order to save their Party from extinction, only to be replaced by the Independent Party. Maybe that's a good thing.
The opinions of a visionaire who have never been wrong--by my count.
You can dismiss this prediction--but history will prove me right.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Health Care Will Pass on Sunday, April 21, 2010. Then, What's Next--See Below

Health Care Will Pass on Sunday, April 21, 2010. Then, What's Next--See BelowShare

My Opinion:

To the Democrats and all the Republicans who voted no on Health Care Reform--throw the bastards out and replace them with Democrats and Republicans who have a brain. These folks are walking dead--no vision, no imagination , no leadership qualities and no creativity. They are an embarrassment to their friends, family and this great Country of ours.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Friends--It's Time for the Naked Truth--Stop the Status Quo

From Vibert Greene: I am running for Governor of California as a Democrat. I know my Party will not support me at this stage--that's for sure. Why? Traditionally, they only support the rich and powerful, their buddies; the tradition lives on--they keep supporting the status quo.--The same holds true for the Republican Party... So, my friends, folks like you and me, have an uphill battle--we are taken for granted--followers not leaders.

Our party needs serious reform, and if it starts with me, so be it. So what do we do about the situation? Well, it's up to you --the average middle class and poor who vote these people in, time and time again--you have to say--we have seen the light, it's not going to happen anymore.

I promise you this. If I cannot fulfill the promises I made to you by the end of my 2nd year in office, I will not seek a second term as your Governor. Can Jerry Brown make the same commitment? I doubt it--he wants a third bite of the apple; in fact, he wants the apple all for himself.
As a young kid growing up, I was told by my parents--don't be a glutton, don't hog it all. Be considerate, give others a chance.
Friends, I need your support--I need donations--$1, 2, 5, 10, whatever--I need to get this message out via. campaign adv.Go to: 
You are encourage to sponsor TV adv. on my behalf--just keep it clean. This is a grass root effort--I cannot, and will not depend on the Democratic Party support.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Republicans--Rise-up Against the Far right Who is destroying your Party

Republicans--do not let these nuts from the far right destroy your party of Abe Lincoln. These people are evil and have no sole. I don't know who they are--but this I know for sure--your present day Party leaders--the far right--are destroying the party of Abe. They are a disgrace to your party and to the US. Stand up to them and say--we have enough. Throw the bastards out and elect Republicans who truly represent the party of Abe. A Democrat coming to the aid of decent Republicans.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Vibert Greene for Governor 2010--Candidate Statement

For those of you who visited my website: and believe in the cause, please go out there, form committees for Vibert Greene for Governor--I need you. I don't have the millions of the Jerry Browns. I am just your local guy who wants to do good by the people.

Candidate Statement
(Put people back to work. Reduce the deficit and increase revenues.)
Educational background:
Under Graduate degrees: University of Hawaii. Graduate degrees: Mechanical Engineering—

Engineering management: GE, Lockheed and the California Public Utilities Commission. Volunteer service: SFPD; 6-years as President of Lexington Square Homeowners Association; 12 years on its Board of Directors.

In 2006, I told Californians of my plans for:
• Job growth, Education, Environmental and Health care reform
• Border security and a Robust Economic Recovery
• Business regulations reform
• A 4-DAY work week for State employees to reduce dependency on foreign oil.

No one listened--the economy tanked; people lost jobs, health care costs went through the roof.
So, what’s changed since 2006?
• Our borders are a sieve.
• Dependency on foreign oil—increased.
• Unemployment—a whopping 12.5%.
• The budget deficit--25 Billion and growing.
• Pink-slips for First Responders
* And, Neighborhood businesses—are disappearing at an alarming rate.

It’s now 2010: My plans are the same today as they were in 2006.
I will Demonstrate Leadership through negotiations without alienating detractors. And,
Implement Commonsense Solutions by way of reason.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vibert Greene, Democrat agreeing with Pat Buchanan--What's up with that?

My opinion:
I have disagreed with Pat on many issues; however, he is passionate about his convictions.
I admire a person who says what he or she believes--the problem is, no one has tried to convince him otherwise--so, why should you expect him to change his position when he has no reason to do so. Look, Pat means well--and sometimes he does not convey that to the general public. Strip away the politics--he is a decent, caring person.

The day will come when we will be a blend of all the races--and then--race will no longer matter.  I will not live to see that day, but I know that day is sooner than you may think.
Thanks for listening.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Views on Vision, Leadership and Commonsense:

My Opinion--Having the ability to anticipate future problems and develop the solutions today; that would be reverent then.
My Opinion--There is no good idea without detractors—it’s how you handle the detractors that defines your Leadership abilities.

Innate ability to reason. Some use it, some don’t.