
Monday, September 6, 2010

Democrats, Republicans, Who are they?

Who are the Democrats? They are Abe Lincoln reincarnated--in spirit, in principles and in philosophy. They are about--me, you and the downtrodden; the poor, the rich and the unfortunate--they are about people. Who are the GOP Republicans? They are about me, me and me; to hell with the rest of us. It's no wonder why decent Republicans--the Abe Lincoln Republicans are disgusted with the Far Right and the current GOP who are poison the ordinary Americans' minds with hate partisanship; and as a result these decent Republicans are turning Independent. I hope that some day that Lincoln Republicans will reject the wackos--the current GOP and the Far Right and return to the principles of their founder--Abe Lincoln. And when that happens, we the people will have true bipartisan politics. we the people will have true representation in our Government that we truly deserve. It will happen one day.

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