
Monday, July 19, 2010


Administration after administration go to Washington and continue the age old  outdated democracy--foreign aid and more foreign aid. Every nation on the globe have their hand out for aid; the aids going into the pockets of corrupt government officials and their military, and still Washington keep sending and sending; all in the outdated notion that these aids will create goodwill and keep us and the rest of the world safe by helping to fight terrorism, stabilize governments and prevent wars--BS. Stop handing out these aids--it's not working. We have Americans who are jobless and starving; our deficit is at an all time high.

The intelligence community and military brass will tell you that we need boots on the ground in all corners of the Globe and anyone who disagree is considered naive--really?

It's time to change--what if we drastically reduce and or cut of these aids. What if we bring our troops home--I say do both.

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