
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The North Korea and Iran Threat--What should we do?

I would first of all warn China and Russia not to pose any credible threat to us regarding our actions on North Korea and Iran; then, I would nuke North Korea right now; followed by Iran. War monger? No, it may seem so on the surface but I anticipate a first strike from North Korea and Iran, so take them out before they do; because if they do a first strike--the depression era when people stand in bread lines and soup kitchens--will be referred to as--living a life of luxury when compared to what would happen if North Korea and or Iran launch the first strike. These countries pose a significant threat to the human race. Remember Hitler Mussolini, Papa Doc.; the dictator of Vietnam, Saddam Hussein; and the list goes on. Do you think diplomacy worked with these guys? If you do, I have the Golden Gate bridge on sale for $1. I call a spade a spade and act accordingly; I suggest our Government do the same.


SecularDemocraticIran said...

Both the North Koreans and the Iranian people are tired of those totalitarian dictatorships.
I'm from Iran myself and telling you that the majority over 95% of all Iranians want regime change when they compare the freedom, prosperity and respect they had during the Shah compare to the life they've been living under the mullahs , same thing about N.Koreans when they compare their lives with the S.Koreans same race, same people divided one one of the most prosperous democratic nations and the north one of the poorest where the average N.Korean is 2" shorter than then South due to lack of food!
The best option is to empower those people to overthrow their dictatorships. We the Iranians are working on it and we are also working with the pentagon for a potential military solution against the mullahs, but using nukes is insane because it'll damage America's reputation in the world, bomb the hell out of the Iranian and Korean regime, bomb all the Islamic centers and mosques in Iran and all N.Korean gov buildings and let their people finish the rest.

vibert greene on point said...

Thanks for your comment: I was too brief on the Nuke issue--I should have been more specific--what I left out were:"Nuke their Military establishments".